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Google Ad Grants for Not For Profits

By July 20, 2015 November 1st, 2019 No Comments
Adwords Grants - Leafcutter

Google is offering not for profits $10,000 worth of monthly AdWords credit through it’s Google Ad Grants. Google Ad Grants is the nonprofit edition of AdWords, Google’s online advertising tool. Not for Profits can use the budget for advertising, to promote themselves and their initiatives on Google search result pages.

This is a great opportunity for not for profits to create marketing strategies or include search engine channels in their current marketing to help promote their cause, and we want to help you.

Is Google Ad Grants right for my not-for-profit?

Yes! – The way we see it every month that goes by is $10,000 your organisation could have used. We all know how hard it is to come by media-spend in the not for profit sector, so why say no to free ad budget?

Many firms find it difficult justifying the cost of SEO or Google AdWord campaigns. This is an excellent opportunity for you to develop your brand image, gain market traction and reach a wider audience.

What’s the catch?

No catch, just a few conditions Google has for running the campaign, which we have outlined for you:

  • $10,000 per month, which is equivalent to $329 per day
  • A $2.00 maximum cost-per-click (CPC), meaning you can only bid a maximum of $2.00 per keyword
  • Only run keyword-targeted campaigns
  • Only appear on Google search result pages
  • Only run text ads

To be eligible to join the program you must meet the following criteria:

  • Registration with Google for Nonprofits program
  • Hold current and valid charity status
  • Acknowledge and agree to the application’s required certifications regarding non-discrimination and donation receipt and use
  • Have a functioning website with substantial content

Unfortunately the grant is not available to all non profit organisations such as:

  • Government entities and organisations
  • Hospitals and medical groups
  • Schools, childcare centres, academic institutions and universities

Note: philanthropic arms of educational organizations are eligible

Aside from the Google AdGrants other programs available are:

  • YouTube Non-Profit Program: Premium branding capabilities on YouTube channels, and increased uploading capacity.
  • Google Apps for Non-Profit: Free version of the Google Apps business productivity suite, including Gmail, Docs, Calendar and more.
  • Google Earth Outreach Grants: Free licensing for Google Earth Pro.

Our suggestions

We are currently working with some of our not for profit clients in developing digital acquisition strategies using the Google Ad Grants.  We have been specifically using this channel for:

  • Donor acquisition and fundraising
  • Client acquisition for services
  • General awareness of their cause
  • Promoting advocacy campaigns & events

Split out your campaigns to focus on individual marketing objectives. Due to Google’s conditions we also have a few tips for you to get the most out of your campaigns:

  • Use long-tail keyword
  • Include ad extensions
  • Don’t neglect mobile
  • Set up goal conversions

Make sure you link your Analytics to your AdWords and don’t “set and forget”. Actively manage your campaigns as you would a normal AdWords campaign and track your conversions.

Please note that the The Grantspro Program which offers an increased spend cap of $40,000 per month, that is an additional $30,000 per month giving you more free advertising, is no longer available.

If you would like assistance in applying and/or managing your Google Ad Grants AdWords campaigns, please contact us via email or call 9438 1280.