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Know your Audience from Click to Close

By July 30, 2019 November 1st, 2019 No Comments

What does it mean to know your audience from click to close?

Know your audience

Consider your audience
Before you start crafting your landing page or web page, you need to consider your audience and the specific goal you want to drive them to complete – a goal that is directly related to your KPI’s or strategic objectives.
If you want to drive skyrocketing conversion rates, think carefully about where your traffic is coming from, why that traffic is coming and what page of your site are they going to.

Example : Here’s a typical scenario

Your mission:
Protecting endangered wild animals in risk areas of the world.

Your campaign objective:
You want to end bear dancing events in a remote tourist area due to the cruelty of treatment of the animals.

Your campaign type:
You want to create a petition to stop bear dancing events in this area, which your team can use to advocate for change and lobby the people who can make it happen.

So your audience may consist of: 

  1. Everyone on your database (everyone from those who engage with everything you do to those who don’t)
  2. Everyone not on your database who do not know about your organisation but are animal lovers who care about the wellbeing of endangered wild animals.
  3. Everyone not on your database who know about your organisation but may not be animal lovers but may still be interested in supporting your cause.


Start with your audience in mind and consider creating more than one landing page if you have multiple audiences that you want to cater for. – As you can see in the above example, it’s not unusual to have more than one audience.

In the above example, ideally you would create 3 similar landing pages (or a website that houses different landing pages for different audiences) that have slight variations in the tone and ask, to accommodate the different audiences you’ve identified.

You may also use different channels like an email campaign for people on your database and a social media campaign for everyone else to capture new leads.

The more relevant your landing page (or webpage) is to your audience, the more conversions you get.

From click to close

Ensure your messaging is consistent, from click to close

Nothing gets rid of your traffic faster than when your audience feels like they’ve landed on the wrong page or a page that is inconsistent with the expectation that drove them there.

The email campaign or the ad your audience clicked on to get to the landing page or web page, needs to be consistent – this includes the headline, body text & call to actions being used.

What not to do

You click a paid ad that says “find your perfect pug today”. Great! However, you end up landing on a page with a slightly different CTA or worse – nothing to do with pugs!

Most probable cause? – someone was reusing old landing pages for new ads or vice versa and forgot to ensure consistency between the two.

Whatever the reason, make sure the messaging is consistent from click to close.


Generally the more distractions you have on your page, the lower your conversion rate.

Don’t give your audience more opportunities to click away.

Example of a distraction

(See below image) The assumption is that your user has navigated to your donation experience. Now the aim is to ensure they complete that action & donate!

The header navigation in the below image is an example of a distraction. Since your audience is on the donations page, you don’t want them to click on other links and move away from donating!


In particular, if you’re creating a landing page for a campaign or event – the goal for that page is to get your audience to take a specific action and not to be distracted by other elements on the page.

If your landing page is part of your main site, get your developers to switch off the main navigation from this page!

Wrapping Up

When building a landing page or webpage, it is really important to know who your audience and what their aim is. The more relevant the landing page is to your audience, the more conversions!