
Lunchtime Playtesting

By June 20, 2015 November 1st, 2019 No Comments

Remember back in school when you used to run around at lunch time and enjoy yourself simply because you could?

If you don’t like doing physical activity at lunch (we highly recommend it, helps clear the mind and focuses the brain) or can’t seem to find the time to have have lunch and/or fun at lunch, give yourself a break and do some playtesting — your brain and day will thank you for it.

A playtest is traditionally defined as the process by which a game designer tests a new game for bugs and design flaws before bringing it to market.

We can extend what the definition of what a game is and what you are testing — it doesn’t always have to be related directly to your product/project/etc. Play is meant to be play — you will naturally find a way to bring your playtesting back to your work or some other meaningful part of your life.

Here are just some suggestions for what we count as play testing:

  • Testing a new game concept (sshhh… top secret) with paper and pen
  • Seeing who can draw the current landscape with paper and pen in the fastest and most artistic way
  • Seeing who can come up with the most ideas to solve a problem within a minute
  • Going somewhere different for lunch everyday of the week — exploring what else lies around you

Each of these are examples of how we make our sacred workplace break a simple, fun, enjoyable and even productive part of every day. There are lots, lots more ways to play and we encourage to go out and find them!

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